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Category: Reciprocity

What You Need to Know-Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

You may have heard some controversial discussions being had regarding concealed carry permits going to Congress. Seeing as roughly 8% of the nation possess these permits, it is important to know what this really means and what might change. In January, Congressman, Richard Hudson introduced the Concealed Carry Reciprocity...

Reading the Signs

The open and concealed carry movements have gained a lot of support as well as attention in the last decade. It is not surprising, especially in a political climate that is increasingly bipolar, that there is an equal amount of a reactionary and counter cultural movement against the spirit...

Armed Robbery vs. Concealed Carry Permit Holder

CHICAGO– Gun laws and concealed carry permits are gaining more and more attention in the news as of late with Congress and the Reciprocity Act. We keep hearing the stories about the many innocent lives that guns have taken when they are in the wrong hands. But what about...

The House Passed Reciprocity, Now What?

The other day, the House voted in favor of the Reciprocity Act to enable concealed carry permit holders to legally carry across state lines. Fox News reported on the matter: “Despite scare tactics by the bill’s opponents, concealed-carry licensees as a group have proven to be more law-abiding than...

BREAKING: House Passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity

The House has come to a decision to pass legislation allowing individuals with concealed carry permits to carry across state lines. The reciprocity act that was heavily pushed by the NRA passed with a 231-198 vote. Fourteen Republicans voted against it and six Democrats voted in favor of it....